Namibia is a dream destination for both photographers and non-photographers alike. This is the country to visit if you want to explore the Namib desert, world’s highest sand dunes, skeleton coast, local tribes, culture and wildlife. Here’s what to expect during the different seasons of traversing Namibia.


Winter months (May to September).

Winter coincides with the dry season. It is the best time for astrophotography in the Desert. There are no clouds and the Milky Way stretches high above our heads. We can look directly into the centre of our galaxy. This is one of the most amazing sights in nature with numerous fascinating constellations’ including the Southern Cross and Scorpius, laying across and toward the centre of our Galaxy.

Etosha National Park offers some of the best Game viewing. The waterholes attract aggregates of wildlife particularly at sunrise and later in the day.

Itchy Feet Safaris - Namibia, Etosha National Park Game Drives

October to November.
Hot and dry with temperatures averaging mid 30s Celsius. Excellent time for big game viewing. Unique photography compositions in the desert with lots of textures and patterns.

December to April.
These are the summer months. Summer coincides with the rainy season, with occasional thunderstorms or sudden showers hardly lasting more than an hour at a time. Temperatures average mid 30s Celsius. The dramatic clouds and weather offer unique photography compositions. Shooting water and reflections in the desert, best shot in the morning, an hour or 2 after sunrise when there is no wind and no ripples.
It is the green season with less tourists and an excellent time to spend time and interact with the local tribes.

Itchy Feet Safaris - Namibia, Himba Village Excursion